The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) supports businesses. Specifically, those that are not covered by other grant schemes.
The ARG funding is provided by local councils. It is intended to support closed businesses that do not pay business rates. It also supports businesses that do not have to close but which are impacted.
Local councils determine which businesses will benefit and the amount of funding they receive.
Local councils have the freedom to determine the eligibility criteria for these grants. However, the government expects the funding to help businesses that, while not required to close, are severely impacted by COVID19 restrictions.
This could include:
businesses which supply the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors
businesses in the events sector
business required to close but which do not pay business rates
Businesses excluded from the fund
You cannot get funding if:
your business is in administration, insolvent or has been struck off the Companies House register
you have exceeded the permitted state aid threshold
You must notify your local council if your situation changes and you no longer meet the eligibility criteria.
Do you want to learn more about funding options, and receive support in preparing your accounts in order to maximise your chance of accessing funding? Get in touch with the team today.